Ethan Heywood, wargames developer at Modiphius, discusses how you can make the best use of the upcoming Institute miniatures in your games of Fallout Wasteland Warfare.
There is a good reason The Institute is known as the bogeyman of the wasteland; their arsenal of limitless synthetic soldiers and advanced weaponry makes them a force to be reckoned with. Technological advancement is the main goal behind any Institute plot and the perfect beginning to achieving this is The Institute Core Box, containing 4 Gen 1 Synths, a Patroller, a Trooper, a Scientist and, a Courser. No more are the people of The Commonwealth safe while The Institute operates uncontested.
The body of an Institute force is made up of their synthetic human soldiers commonly known as Synths. In Fallout: Wasteland Warfare you have access to several different types of Synth. Beginning with the basics, Gen 1 Synths are bread and butter (Tato and Water?) of your Institute force. While individually they pose little threat, Gen 1 Synths become dangerous in large numbers. As they are armed with the basic Institute Laser Pistol you will want to bring as many of these guys as possible, especially for the cost of a mere 38 caps. If that's not cheap enough, sacrifice some reliability and bring along the Battered Gen 1 Synth variant. A fun strategy to use against unexpecting wastelanders is to lob a Synth Relay Grenade and surprise the enemy by teleporting in a Gen 1 Synth right in the middle of the battle.

The Institute’s elite operatives, Coursers are tasked with completing The Institute’s most dangerous missions. Coursers are the latest generation of Synth to stalk the wasteland and are so advanced they are indistinguishable from the Humans. Hidden in plain sight they watch and wait, blending in until the perfect time to strike!
Your opponent is going to have a hard time hitting a Courser, with their continuous Stealth Boy always active. Any model wanting to target a Courser needs to pass a PER test with a -4 modifier to the skill roll, even when up close-in combat. Need a more rounded stat line on your Coursers? Z2-47 sacrifices many of a Courser's higher attributes for a more uniform stat-line.
Even from this brief rundown, you can see how the institute gained its fearsome and shadowy reputation. You can have some hope of fighting back – or aiding them towards their final goal, to see mankind redefined.
By Ethan Heywood
The Institute will be launching on the 6th of December and you'll be able to pick them up at the Modiphius Store here.