London 10 March  – Modiphius, publisher of award-winning roleplaying games like Achtung! Cthulhu and acclaimed board games like Thunderbirds the 50th Anniversary Board Game are pleased to announce the release of the Mutant Chronicles Mishima source book as part of Mutant Chronicles Week, a celebration of the diesel punk sci-fi RPG.
The Mishima Source book is available in Print & PDF and PDF only versions from and from all good retail stores. It is also available on
Death Before Dishonour
Mishima is the most secretive yet spiritual of all the corporations battling for power in a future solar system riven by war and labouring under the threat of the Dark Legion. Its power base on Mercury contains intrigue, power struggles and hidden agendas, as well as the truth behind the mystical power of Ki, which fuels its warriors' almost superhuman battlefield prowess.
From the underground cities of Mercury to the sprawling plains of Mars, the Mishima corporation is united by a code of duty and honour. In the boardroom and on the battlefield, the proud samurai of the management caste lead the way. Beneath them toil countless work units of commoners, among whom hide secret societies dedicated to the martial arts, organised crime and, sometimes, the Dark Apostles…
  • The People: What makes Mishima society tick? Discover the cultures of the corporation’s many keiretsu and the samurai, guildsmen and workers within them – and those who fall outside.
  • The Lands: Uncover the secrets and dangers of Mercury, the Mishima homeworld, and the corporation’s holdings on Mars, Venus and Luna.
  • The Powers That Be: Learn about the inner workings of Mishima, from the Overlord and his squabbling Lord Heirs to the meka and spacecraft of the military, to the hidden agendas of the Triads and Shadow Walkers.
  • The Power of Ki: Master the secrets of ki channelling, the mystical technique that gives Mishima warriors superhuman abilities.
  • Character Creation: Expanded rules for the backgrounds and powers unique to the Mishima corporation.
Mutant Chronicles Week
The Mishima source book is the third major release of Mutant Chronicles Week, a sustained
celebration of the acclaimed sci-fi roleplaying game. As part of the week, fans can enjoy the release of three new source books for the Brotherhood, Cybertronic, and Mishima factions.
Fans will have a chance to win every single one of the new titles, plus the Mutant Chronicles Capitol and Imperial source books, the Dark Symmetry campaign, everything Modiphius has released for Mutant Chronicles in 2016 as well as the original Mutant Chronicles core book and Player's Guide.
See the Mutant Chronicles Facebook page for further details on the competition.
For more news, information and art, see

Game Line: Mutant Chronicles
Category: Supplement
System: 2d20
Retail Price: £17.99/$28.99
Size: 96 page colour softback
Stock Code: MUH050010
ISBN: 978-1-910132-32-6
Mutant chronicles