An official tabletop roleplaying game inspired by the Dune universe drawing from the beloved novels by Frank Herbert, Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson and upcoming Film and TV adaptations from Legendary Entertainment.
Modiphius’ award-winning 2d20 System will provide the core rules. The system was previously used for Star Trek Adventures, John Carter of Mars, Conan and the recently announced Dishonored roleplaying game.
Modiphius 2d20 game designer Nathan Dowell (Infinity, Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of, Star Trek Adventures) adapted the rules to the rich, expansive universe of Dune. Alongside Dowell, an all-star team of passionate tabletop writers and designers is working on the game. Key team members include Andrew Peregrine (Doctor Who, Victoriana, Star Trek Adventures) as line manager and Jason Durall (Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of, Runequest, A Game of Thrones) as line editor.
Together they have assembled a wealth of experienced writers and new voices, including Chris Spivey (Harlem Unbound, Cthulhu Confidential), Mari Tokuda (Achtung! Cthulhu, Malifaux), Rachael Cruz (Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of, Star Trek Adventures), Jack Norris (John Carter, Marvel Heroic, Mutants & Masterminds), Banana Chan (Dads on Mowers, Terrors Below), Khaldoun Khelil (Vampire 5th Edition, Call of Cthulhu, Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition), Peter Wright (7TV, John Carter of Mars), Helena Nash (Runequest, 7TV), Richard August (John Carter of Mars, Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of), Ben Woerner (7th Sea, Warhammer 40k) and Simon Berman (Eclipse Phase, Iron Kingdoms).
Modiphius is working closely with Legendary Entertainment and Herbert Properties LLC to create an authentic experience of the brand. The Legendary-Modiphius partnership was brokered by Joe LeFavi of Genuine Entertainment, who is managing the master tabletop gaming license for Dune in partnership with Legendary and Gale Force Nine CEO John-Paul Brisigotti.
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium was recently dubbed the #1 Most Anticipated Roleplaying Game of 2020 in ENWorld’s annual public vote.