With the Institute arriving tomorrow, we’ve taken the opportunity to update and reorganize the downloads section of the Fallout webpage.
For those looking to jump straight in and start planning your armies, the points costs, Battle Mode force guides and cards have all been added to the page. Veteran players may notice there is no longer one card type document per wave. Instead we have combined each card type into one PDF. However, the cards are still listed in order of wave release (with the newest cards at the top of the file).
This means you only need to download one set of files to get all the cards and if you have previously printed anything, you only have to print the pages for the wave(s) you haven’t previously used.
There have been a few errata updates and FAQs answered for both Wasteland Warfare and the RPG so make sure to check those out. There is also a new version of the Settlement Sheet that includes updated structures for the expanded game options.
The other major addition is a sheet explaining the details of the Automatron card pack. This deck lets you bring the Mechanist to the table alongside their force of custom robots. Anyone picking the deck up would do well to familiarise themselves with this extra information.
There will be more updates to the page in the near future, with some new scenarios to try out, until then hopefully these new files will help in your battles ahead with (or against) the Institute.
The downloads can be found at https://www.modiphius.com/fallout-downloads.html
Fallout Wasteland Warfare Downloads Page Update